Following direction and feedback provided to me by Nunavut Inuit, I focus my efforts in the following areas:

Inuit Language,  Culture and Identity

The way we live our life is changing from our parents’ and grandparents’ generation.  I think it is important that we embrace that and know that we can succeed in the modern world while still having a strong foundation rooted in Inuit culture.

Inuit are working to rebuild and to be proud of Inuit identity that has been damaged by the colonial history and past government programs such as residential schools.

Urgent and serious efforts are required to reverse Inuktut language loss and disconnection with Inuit traditions, language and culture.

I focus on ensuring that Nunavut Inuit have access to programs, initiatives and supports which encourage understanding, practice and sharing of Inuit language, culture and identity.

This work includes efforts towards strengthening Inuktut in all aspects of life in Nunavut, including Nunavut’s education system, public service workplaces, and delivery of essential government programs and services.


People learn in many different ways.  Given the critical importance of  quality education to individual and collective success later in life,  my focus includes  ensuring the availability of a quality formal education program to help our youth gain knowledge, develop healthy habits and prepare for the rest of their lives.

Inuktut use has been in a state of relative decline over recent years. Along with communities, parents and families, Nunavut’s formal education system plays a significant role in transmission of Inuktut.  Therefore, it is essential that we undertake urgent and coordinated actions to make substantial progress towards making Inuktut the primary language of instruction in Nunavut schools.

Empowerment & Collective Healing

We haven’t really talked about how all these changes have  negatively affected us as a society.  Yet we see the symptoms across our communities when we have high rates of violence, high rates of substance abuse, high rates of suicide.

NTI and our partners work to ensure supports for Nunavut Inuit to address personal and collective trauma as part of the process of healing.

I encourage all Nunavummiut to dream big, audacious dreams – whether through post-secondary education or in more traditional economies.

While there are improvements to be made, it is also important for us to recognize and utilize the informal and formal support networks available to us in our communities.  Only by understanding and addressing our history, our issues, and turning challenges into opportunities will we return to our rightful place as healthy and empowered Inuit.


Full and fair implementation of the Nunavut Agreement and safeguard of Inuit rights under the Nunavut Agreement will continue to be the central part of NTI’s core functions and responsibilities.

Information regarding NTI’s mission, priorities and activities are available at